Unique 404 error page


funny 404 error page

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Now, we are giving back.

Click the link “Genius examples of 404 pages” or this one – “30 creative examples of 404 error pages” and enjoy.

What is a 404 error page

404 error happens when you click on the link, which leads nowhere, or you type the wrong URL into your browser.

In the first case, the web designer or developer made a mistake. It happens when more people are on the team or redesigning a website.

Also, if you click on an external link on a page, and the website or a webpage the link should point to doesn’t exist anymore, you will get a 404 error message.

We’ve probably renamed the page for better SEO and forgot to change the link or use redirection.

So, as we said, you will significantly help us if you send us the link, text, or some pointers. We’ll correct our mistake immediately. 

CONCLUSION: you shouldn’t be worried if you get a 404 error; go back or click the button on the page and continue browsing.