Website SEO service

Affordable SEO service - Optimization of websites for search engines png format

Website SEO optimization to reach the top rank in SERP. As we’ve helped dozens, we’ll boost your website’s traffic too. The hourly rate is $35.

Are you unsatisfied with your website’s traffic?

Let’s start with the free SEO audit…

What is optimization in website SEO and how it all works

SEO is a way to help search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) understand what your website is about and each page on it.

SEO explained simply

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization – a set of written and unwritten rules to rank high on Google, Bing, Mozilla, Safari, Opera, Microsoft Edge, and other web browsers (or search engines – those are the same).


OPTIMIZATION in SEO means website content adjustment in a way understandable to search engine crawling bots. To rank on Google and other search engines, they should know what is your website content about.


Each search engine has a secret algorithm (system) for evaluating a website. Since Google is the most powerful web browser, we usually talk about SEO for Google. If the website is well optimized for Google, it will rank high on other browsers.

Why a website's SEO matters

Without SEO your website is invisible to internet users

Why SEO matters

Do you know that 95% of all internet traffic goes to websites on the first page of search results?


Based on the article 95 SEO Statistics from 2022 That’ll Transform Your Strategy, only 25% of users go to a second page. 6% of users visit the third page with search results. After that, they change the term (keyword) they use for browsing.



Your website is almost invisible if it is not on the first page in search results for a specific keyword. Each time users type in a different keyword, browsing results change.


If your website is not designed for SEO, e.i. if it isn’t built by SEO rules, browsers will not recognize (understand) what the website is about.


The consequence is that your website will not be considered relevant to the user, and therefore it won’t be listed in the search results (at least, it won’t be listed on the first or second page). 

What are keywords

Keywords are phrases internet users type in when searching for something

Whenever a user searches for something on the internet (product, news, advice, solution, etc.), he types in words he believes will return the desired information. Those words (phrases or whole sentences) are keywords from the SEO perspective.


Based on statistics, the average keyword consists of 3-5 words.


All search engines (browsers) try to provide the most relevant information for a specific phrase (keyword) as quickly as possible.


For Google and other browsers, the phrases “lose weight fast” and “fast lose weight” are two different keywords. You’ll get different results for different keywords.


In our example, on the image above, Google found over three billion appearances of the keyword “lose weight fast”. It took less than a second to rank all web pages with our keyword. The ranking process is based on a top-secret algorithm that changes daily and consists of over 200 factors. Our SEO would be 100% efficient and perfect if we knew all 200.


When making a keyword list, consider all possible phrases and sentences users might type when searching.

Can you do website SEO on your own

You can perform website SEO by yourself, BUT...


Learning SEO takes 3-12 months. When done correctly, SEO is an ongoing process that requires several hours per week or month, depending on the market niche.

There are two types of SEO: off-page and on-page. 



Off-page SEO is what you do outside your website to increase the ranking. Correctly done, it increases domain authority and the value of the website.

You can find detailed explanations and examples in the article Off-Page SEO Activity: What It Is and How to Use it.


Off-page SEO activities are:

  1. Link building
  2. Google Business Profile (previously known as Google my Business)
  3. Profiles on social networks (Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)
  4. Guest posting
  5. Brand mentioning
  6. Profiles on local listing websites (Yelp, NextDoor, Yell, etc.)
  7. YouTube channel
  8. Wikipedia articles
  9. Press releases

Explanation of all mentioned tactics is well described in the article What are the best off-page SEO activities? | LinkedIn.

All activities mentioned above will increase the website’s rank on SERP (search engine result page). Domain authority measures a website’s relevance and usefulness to others. Highest DA is 100. Wikipedia has 98 DA.


Keep in mind that DA is just one of the factors in the 200-factor secret Google algorithm for website ranking.

On-page SEO

Everything you do on the website to make it useful to internet users and readable to search engines is on-page SEO.

The most common cause of websites’ poor rank and zero traffic is a lack of usefulness for vistiors.

Ask yourself these two questions:

  1. How will Google know what my web pages are about?
  2. Why would people stay on my website?

You must follow specific rules to clearly “tell” search engines what each website page is about. If your website is built in WordPress, we recommend Rank Math FREE SEO TOOL to help you perform on-page SEO.

As for the second question, when you build your website (or somebody you direct does that for you), put your ego on pause.


Nobody cares how excellent, productive, experienced, or beautiful you are. Your customers will stay on your website if you can solve their problems and satisfy their needs.

Forget ego when building a website

To check your SEO ranking, we recommend the free SEO analyzer Ubersuggest or Semrush.

Free versions are limited, but they will help you to optimize website SEO.


SEO is an ongoing process performed by experts. Yes, you can do website SEO yourself if you are an expert. If not, we suggest you focus your time, energy, and expertise on what you do best.


We faced hundreds of clients – experts in their field (small business owners, lawyers, brokers, sellers, doctors, etc.), who made a huge mistake. They spent hours of their valuable time writing content, choosing images, and even designing a website, only to realize that their work was for nothing. 


Don’t make the same mistake. Do you want a website that will work for your goals, have traffic, and boost your business? Either become an expert in design and SEO or hire someone to do it for you.

When to start optimization of a website for search engines

If you don’t want to waste money and redo website design and content, start SEO the moment you decide to build a website.

The best time to start SEO is yesterday

The image is from the website

More than 90% of small business owners hire an expert to design a website but use that expert as a mouse wheel. They write content, choose images, and even provide wireframes on paper napkins for web pages.


After they realize the website has no traffic, they either conclude they don’t need it or hire an SEO expert.


Expenses are much higher than necessary because the previous work was useless. Performing SEO on an obsolete, unoptimized, and unsuccessful site is much more expensive than implementing on-page SEO while building a website.





The best and the least expensive path is to hire an expert in website SEO the moment you decide to boost your business using the power of the internet.


We suggest these steps:

  • List your goals
  • Hire a designer or developer
  • Check his expertise in SEO
  • If the designer is not an SEO expert, hire one to work simultaneously with the designer.

The strategy may seem expensive, but it is the least costly path one can take.

The price of website SEO

It is not possible to give an exact price.

Our recommendation is to hire an expert and pay per hour.

Our hourly rate is $35.

The basic SEO audit with improvement recommendations is FREE.

How much to pay for SEO

The time and money one will spend on SEO depends on:

  • the business’s niche,
  • targeted area,
  • the scope of products or services
  • number of web pages and posts
  • number of targeted keywords

Companies spend hundreds and thousands of dollars to reach and stay on the first Google page.


Think of it as an investment. How much money are you willing to pay to acquire one new customer?

The bad news is that it is not enough to build a 5-7 pages website and perform on-page SEO. It is just the first step.


CONTENT IS THE MAIN RANKING FACTOR. The more valuable, unique content you have, the higher your rank IN TIME. And you have to add content constantly since your competitors are doing the same.


The best practice is:

  1. SEO audit
  2. Plan and steps presented to you
  3. After your approval, initial optimization and website design for SEO
  4. Based on your budget and results, after 1-3 months, additional steps

Unfortunately, SEO is never finished. Like any competition, high ranking is difficult to achieve and keep. 

How long does it take to reach the first page in SERP

1-6 months

SEO is a neverending marathon

SEO optimizacija je maraton bez kraja

The first results of a website SEO and all necessary activities can be seen in a month. That is the best-case scenario, and it requires significant time and money.

Usually, it takes up to six months to reach the highest possible position for a given content.


If you haven’t reached the first page in SERP, that doesn’t mean that SEO is not performed well. It means you need more content, better external links, improved design, better user experience, more substantial presence on social media, more profiles on business platforms, etc.


If you didn’t win the race, you must practice more. In terms of SEO – you must invest more money and/or time.

What you'll get from our website SEO expertise

We will:

  • Optimize a website to rank high in search results
  • Design user-friendly pages and posts
  • Write SEO content, or optimize an existing one
  • Improve product descriptions and SEO optimize eCommerce websites
SEO and website design for your goals

In a nutshell, SEO is a complex and constant set of activities performed to position a website high in SERP. It incorporates optimization, following the rules, and providing an exceptional user experience.


Website SEO and design are two sides of the same coin. If one is done poorly, no matter how well done is another, results will be disappointing.


The difference between other SEO experts and us is our unique mix of experiences in design, SEO, marketing, and sales. That is why we consider ourselves experts in website SEO analysis and optimization.


You’ll benefit from our:

  • Technical knowledge applied to your website optimization
  • Practical understanding of customers’ and buyers’ behavior
  • Designing skills to make your site beautiful, memorable and unique

Let’s start the race…

Start the SEO race

I’m Natasa, SEO expert and CEO of Promise.

Please, send me your website URL, and you’ll receive a

FREE SEO audit

with my recommendation for website improvements.

Natasa Mezej website designing for small business

Using my 20 years of experience, I’ll be your SEO expert, designer, advisor, and loyal, passionate team member. I have a team behind me to help me provide excellent service for you.

If you are unsatisfied with your website’s traffic, hire me, and I’ll help you rank high on Google.

